Certificate of Insurance and applicable amendatory endorsements. Most contracts. Insurance policies are required to provide primary and non-contributory coverage for the. Definition (as stated in Section V, Number 9, Item f in the ISO CGL policy) so as to limit coverage. (6) The sinking, burning, collision or derail.
Full text of 'The Newton GraphicVol. 5THE NEWTON GRAPHIC (Newton, Mars.) FRIDAY, OCT. 1, 1937Twelve Page.Single Copy 5c; $2.50 pe»- YeChief Hughes AsksFor 6 More Men toGive Day Off in 6Mayor Expected to Make Rec-ommendation SoonChief of Police Hughes has requestedMayor Childs to appoint six additionalmen to the Newton police departmentso that the members of the force willget a day off each six days, Instead ofevery eight days, as at present. Acommittee composed of Newton police-men had a few conferences with themayor and contended that only fouradditional patrolmen will be neededto make the change. At one confer-ence Chief Hughes was present. Thechief told the mayor that the depart-ment is now undermanned, especiallyduring the night on the last platoon.He stated that six men will be re-quired to even keep the departmentat its present condition of efficiency,because under the day off in six sys-tem, six more policemen will lie offeach day than the fourteen or fifteennow off duty each day.At one of the conferences the com-mittee of policemen asked the mayorif he would recommend a day off in sixprovided the chief reported favorablyon such a plan, and the mayor gave anaffirmative answer.
Should the mayormake the recommendation In the nearfuture, the Board of Aldermen willhave to make an appropriation for thebalance of this year. This has beenestimated at about $2200, assumingthat the dny off in six will go into ef-fect on October 15. A few months agoAlderman Cronin attempted to havethe Board of Aldermen take action onthis matter, but City Solicitor Bartlettruled that the matter was not withinthe province of the Aldermen, beingan executive function.Should the change be made, the ex-isting force of reserve men of the po-lice department will all become regu-lar patrolmen. Four of the ten menon the reserve force have been forsome weeks taking the places of for-mer regular patrolmen. PatrolmenMunroe and Sartwell reached the agelimit and were pensioned; PatrolmenBell and Murphy were fatally shot bythe murderer Simpson.Pardoned NewtonMurderer Held forBoston RobberyWilfred F. Dart, 34, formerly ofBacon st., Newton, who was pardonedon December 24, 1936 after serving5 years of a life sentence for murder,was arrested in Boston on Saturdaycharged with robbing a Jewelry store.Dart was one of three men accusedby Boston police of having thrown abrick through a window at E.
B.Horn’s jewelry store near the cornerof Washington and Winter sts., Bos-ton. And grabbing a number of wristwatches. Police arrested Dart, An-gelo Etro of South Boston, and JohnPeters of Brooklyn, New York.At 6:45 n. Saturday PatrolmanCarroll heard the big window beingsmashed and saw two men runningaway from the Horn jewelry store. Hocaught Dart, who has an artificial leg,and was able to get a good look at thesecond man. Aided by Carroll’s de-scription of the fugitive, policemen Ina cruising car arrested Peters on Es-sex st., Boston, a few minuses later.In his possession were 9 watches, iden-tified as having been taken from Horn’sstore.
According to the Boston policerecords, Dart had been arrested formany offences, ranging from drunken-ness to murder.On June 13, 1931 Dart and CharlesBernard of Jamaica Plain were seatedin ah automobile on Pearl st., Newtonnear Jackson rd. Dart alighted fromthe car.
And as he did so, pulled a re-volver and shot Bernard. Dart walkedto a nearby store, calmly telephoned,and then continued on foot towardWatertown, making his escape. Ber-nard drove to Newton Corner, in-formed a policeman that he had beenshot, and then collapsed. He diedshortly afterward at the Newton Hos-pital. Newton police, a few monthslater, captured Dart in a camp nearHingham. On November 6, 1931, Dartwas convicted of second degree mur-der and sentenced for life to Massa-chusetts State Prison.
On December24, 1936, Dart was one of several mur-derers who received “Christmas gift”pardons from Governor Curley, and amajority of the Governor’s Council.Dart was arraigned in the Bostonmunicipal court on Monday and heldin $5000 bail for trial on October 4.I He was sent to the Charles Street jail.A WOMAN-PLANNED, BRODRICK-BUILT HOME122 BELLEVUE ST. IDA, NEWTON(From Commonwealth Ave.
Turn north on Centre St. To Bellevue St.)OPcN FOR INSPECTIONC EN.r.N.w.
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BRODRICK BROS., BUILDERS“ Whether you plan to buy or build consult us'CENtre New.5144FIRE PLACEWOODPut in your supply now andbe prepared for cold weatherLUTHER PAUL CO.Tel. 0590-0591HOTEL BEAC0NSFIELDBROOKLINE (Boeton) MASS'Tht llofl with thr Homr Atfnnuphrrm.Rnjoy th.» utmost in dignified living.i nil;. luxurious hotel, saving prob-able cars and expense ofhousekeeping.Beautiful Dining RoomModern Garage.Oilman M.
Lougee, ManagerYou Are Cordially Invited to AttendA Special Advance Showing of theTHE NEW 1938OLDSMOBILESIXES AND EIGHTSWithNew Style-Leader StylingSmoother, Livelier Power. Increased ComfortGreater Economy. Newly Enriched Interiorsand Oldsmobile’s sensational new Safety AutomaticTransmission.“There’s nothing else like it in the World”FROST MOTORS, Inc.399 WASHINGTON ST., NEWTONCall for a demonstrationOpen Evenings Newton North 6525Judge Palmer’sHome RansackedThe “second story burglar,” who hasbeen breaking into numerous Newtonhomes the pnst two weeks, burglarizedthe residence of Judge Joseph N.
Pal-mer at 63 Lombard st., Newton, onTuesday night. As in the other burg-laries.
Nearly all of which have beencommitted at Newton Corner, the burg-lar shinnied up a porch and forcedopen a window near the porch. Likethe other bouses ransacked, the Pal-mer house was not occupied, the judgeand his family having been at Bidde-ford, Me. A person walking by thehouse observed the front door openand notified the police. The burglarhad left some lights burning in theliouse. The extent of the loot is notyet known. The Palmer residence iswithin a minute’s walk of the homesof Judge Clarence Smith at 626 Cen-tre st.
621 Cen-tre st., both of which were entered,supposedly by the same burglar withinthe past week or so.More BurglariesRevealed at NewtonAnother burglary was discovered atNewton last Friday when it was foundthat the home of Judge Clarence C.Smith at 626 Centre st., had been en-tered and ransacked. The house isdirectly across the street from thehome of Smith P.
Burton, Jr., 621Centre st., where a burglary had beendiscovered a few days before. Ap-parently the same burglar was en-gaged in both breaks.
The samemethod of entering the house wasused. Tlie burglar climbed high porch-es at both houses, and forced secondstory windows. As the Smith familywas absent, the police do not knowtlie extent of the loot.The third burglary discovered inNewton Corner homes within a week,was reported on Saturday by Patrol-man McLean, who noticed a windowopen in the residence of Mrs. JohnEustis, 145 Washington st. The samemethod of entering the house wasused as had been used at the othertwo residences burglarized, and policebelieve the same “second-story bur-glar” entered all three houses.
Ahigh porch was climbed and a windowabove it forced. Eustis has beenaway and the house was unoccupied.She was apprehensive of burglars andhad a burglar alarm at the house.Neighbors heard the alarm soundingthe preceding night, but did not real-ize it wns a burglar alarm, so thepolice were not notified.Two ChildrenBitten By DogsComplaints were made to tlie Boardof Health last Saturday against twodogs which had bitten children. Adog owned by James Goddard ofSouthgate pk. West Newton, bitPriscilla Pierce. 6, of 33 Northgntepk.
A dog owned by Dr. Joseph Sul-livan of 1772 Beacon st. Waban, bitChester Jacobs, 12. Of 575 Chestnut st.,Waban. Both dogs were ordered re-strained.One monthly payment of parK S100Q borrowed plus 1-12th of theearly taxee pays the mortgagei full In only 180 months underour 15 year plan. This plan leavailable to owneri of 1, 2 or 3 fam-ily houeaa In Metropolitan Boeton.Merchants Co-operative Bank24 School Street, Boston, Mom.Added BusExpense atOak Hill SchoolThe new school at Oak Hill, whichin various ways has already beenquite costly, will necessitate a furtherand unlooked for expense which wasrevealed at the meeting of the SchoolCommittee on Monday night.
OfSchools Warren informed the commit-tee that it is necessary to use two spe-cial school busses, Instead of one bus,as planned, nnd that the cost of thesebusses for the balance of the fiscalyear will he $819. The cost of trans-porting pupils from Oak Hill to theMason School last year In a bus was$6.85 per day. The cost of transport-ing pupils from Newton Highlands tothe new Oak Hill school Is $11.70 perday. Only one bus was provided thefirst few days after the new schoolopened, but, the bus was so crowdedthat it was deemed necessary to en-gage a second bus.Thirty-five pupils attended the oldschool at Oak Hill. When It was de-cided to build the new school at thatsection, the school boundaries werechanged. Territory in Newton High-lands was added to the Oak Hill schooldistrict, and pupils who formerly at-tended the Hyde School were assignedto the Oak Hill School.
There are 170pupils attending the new school. Adelegation of three parents, represent-ing 26 residents who reside in theWoodeliff rd. Section, appeared beforethe committee and presented a peti-tion asking that their children be per-mitted to attend the Hyde School, in-stead of the new Oak Hill School. Theyargued that the Hyde School is nearer,and that the condition of Parker ave.is so poor, that it is nearly impassablein rainy weather. This unacceptedstreet runs westerly from Parker st.Chairman Mather of the commit-tee stated that those who had urgedthe building of the new school atOak Hill, had contended that resi-dents in the Newton Highlands sec-tion, which was included in the newschool district, would prefer to sendtheir children to the new school in-stead of the Hyde School, because thepupils would not have to cross thedangerous Worcester turnpike. Thedelegation representing the dissatis-fied parents replied that they had noknowledge of such a claim, that thereis a traffic officer on duty at the inter-section of the pike and Walnut st.
Toguard the school children, nnd theyare not afraid to send their childrento the Hyde School. MargaretWoods, member of the School Com-mittee called attention to the fact thatparents in the section around Solonrd., which is West of Walnut st. Andfurther from the new school than isthe territory where the objectors re-side.
Prefer to send their children tothe new school rather than to theHyde School, although they have theoption of sending them to eitherschool. The section where the protes-tants live is near Woodeliff rd. Andit is compulsory for children residingthere to attend the new school.
TlieSchool Committee voted to ask the Al-dermen to appropriate $850, to pro-vide for the additional bus service,and to leave the matter of adjusting(Continued on Page 12)Correct “Know NewEngland” ContestAnswers on Page 10Visit Our OutdoorSales YardOpposite Our BuildingWe have a large stock ofexcellent used cars. Chev-rolets, Fords, Pontiacs,Dodges: all makes andmodels.SILVER LAKECHEVROLET CO.444 Watertown St., NewtonTel. Newton North 6880$1800 Annuity forMurphy’s FamilyMrs.
Lawrence Murphy, widow ofthe patrolman who was fatally wound-ed by Edward Simpson on August 21st.and who died at the Newton Hospitalthree weeks later, lias applied for anannuity of $1000 under the Genera:Law in preference to accepting $970yearly which she is entitled to as thoI beneficiary of her husband who wasa member of the contributory retire-, rnent system for Newton city employ-ees. By doing this, Mrs. Murphy canalso apply for a $200 annuity fori each of her four young children; mak-ing a yearly total of $1800 which shej will receive for the support of her. Self and children.
Mayor Childs has slated he will approve Mrs. Murphy’sI applications for these amounts andrecommend that the Board of Aider-men grant them at the meeting nextMonday night. He has also recom-, mended an annuity of $1000 for thewidow of Patrolman Henry Bell, whoI was also fatally wounded by Simp-son.Newton Men PassBar ExaminationsAmong tlie successful candidateswho passed the recent bar examina-tions were a dozen Newton residents,including Alderman Paul M. Goddardof 20 Trowbridge st., Newton Centre.The others are — John T.
374Hammond st., Chestnut Hill; Rich-ard H. 110 Highland st. WestNewton; Franklin Hoyt, 136 Wood-land rd. Auburndale; Theodore Ken-drick. Newton Centre;Robert Lawrence, 57 Elm rd., New-tonville; John J.
25 Grantave., Newton Centre; Thomas L. 25 Grant ave.; Archibald McKil-lop. 40 Algonquin rd., Newton Centre;James Moriarty. 99 Oakdale rd., New-ton Highlands; Alfred Rottenberg. 85Woodchester Drive. Chestnut Hill: Er-nest O. Sayfarth, 208 Cabot st., New-tonville.Newton Boy andGirl Hurt In CrashSaturday night at 7:25 a car drivenby Robert Greer.
Of 109 Brackettrd. Newton, and a car driven by Al-bert Rick of Newport. Collidedat Beacon st and Gate House rd. NearChestnut Hill reservoir. Jay Gleason.15. Of 73 Summit st.
Newton, andBarbara Williams. Of 1756 Beaconst. Both riding with youngGreer, received severe head injuries,j and were taken to St. Elizabeth's Hos-pital. Greer and Nancy Smith. Of25 Claremont st. Newton, receivedslight injuries, and were treated atSt.
Elizabeth’s Hospital.BULBSMarkets PicketedAt Newton CornerWednesday afternoon from 1:30 until 6 o’clock 120 employees of theAtlantic & Pacific Company, the FirstNational Stores, together with own-ers and employees of independent gro-cery stores and markets, formed a longpicket line in front of the MohicanMarket at 250 Washington st., New-ton. The picketing was in protestagainst the market failing to keepclosed on Wednesday afternoons. Twobanners were carried by the pick-eted. One of which alleged that themarket management bad not kept apromise that it would close on Wed-nesday afternoons.
The picketedcame from chain stores in all theNewtons, as well as from the inde-pendent stores at Newton Corner.Several Newton policemen were pres-ent to see that no disorders occurredand that the law was conformed to.but no trouble happened Some ofthe picketed also paraded for a shorttime in front of the Newton CornerMarket at 332 Centre st. Which alsohas not closed on Wednesday after-noons. At one time a prominent mem-ber of the city government was ob-served in the latter market.Because of the fact that marketsand grocery- stores keep open on Sat-urday afternoons and evenings, andtheir employees work considerablylonger hours than do most men. Therehas been a growing movement through-out the country to have such foodstores closed one afternoon each week,usually on a Tuesday or Wednesday.While stores in Newton have closedfor many years on Wednesday after-noons during the summer months, thiscity has lagged in all year closingon this afternoon. Last spring prac-tically all the store owners and em-ployees in Newton agreed to close theyear round. Starting in May the Wed-nesday afternoon closing commenced,and the Mohican Market co-operated.Last week, however, the Mohican keptopen, and the employees of the otherstores threatened they would picket,which they did.The Mohican management has asign in a window at the store whichstates that it will continue to keepthe market open on Wednesday af-ternoons, but will give its employeesa half day off daring the week, Em-ployees of the other ‘stores contendthat if tills market does not co-oper-ate. It will mean that the other chainstores will be forced to remain open.In the smaller independent stores,and smaller units of chain stores, thiswould mean that owners of employeeswould not be able to have anytimeoff during the week.
Those who pick-eted last Wednesday, assert they willpicket again next Wednesday after-noon. If the Mohican persists in keep-ing open at that time.Community ChestSets 1937 GoalAt $192,305Increase of $4000 Over LastYear’s FiguresA Campaign goal of $192,305 frr the1937 Newton Community Chest Cam-paign. November 5-16, was announcedthis morning by Maynard Hutchin-son, President of the Chest. 'Thisamount has been set,” said Mr. “after months of carefulstudy by a Budget Committee and di-rectors. It represents the minimumamount needed by 14 health and socialagencies to carry on their work in1938.” The goal, Mr. Hutchinsonpointed out, is about $4,000 more thanthe 1936 goal which, however, wasoversubscribed in last year’s success-ful campaign.Explaining the method of decidingthe amount of money needed, Mr.
Hut-chinson emphasized that the NewtonChest, which is the oldest In greaterBoston, was run on strict businessprinciples. 'Our goal,’’ he said, “isnot arrived at by guess or mere wish-ful thinking. It is the result of monthsof study of Newton’s social needs andresources. Our Budget Committee,chairmaned by Walter R. Amesbury,treasurer of Lasell Junior College andcontaining such able business men asClarence G. McDavitt, vice presidentof the New England Telephone andj Telegraph Co.
Dasey ofI the Cunard White Star Line. Assistant General Managerof the United Shoe Machinery Com-pany, Benjamin J. Bowen, secretaryof the New England Telephone andTelegraph Co., Charles H. Cobb, pres-ident of the Filing Equipment Bu-reau. Dennison of the firmof Braman. Daw and Co., and RogerPreston, assistant treasurer of S. S.Pierce Company, examine the bud-gets of every agency in the Chest.Every item in these budgets has beenproved necessary for the welfare ofNewton.”“Plans for the 1937 Campaign,” Mr.Hutchinson stated, “are already welldeveloped under the leadership ofA.
Leslie Harwood. Well-knownBoston lawyer, who has been chosendirector of the 1937 Campaign. Mr.Harwood is a life long resident of New-ton and has long been active in civicaffairs. In the 1936 Campaign he wasVillage Chairman for Newton Centrewhich raised lOS'T of its quota. “TheNewton Chest.” said Mr. Hutchinson,“is most fortunate in persuading Mr.Harwood to direct the campaign thisyear.Subscribe to the GraphicThomas WestonPresidentJames B. MelchebCashierNIGHT DEPOSITSERVICEYour checks and currency may besafely deposited in our night safeat any hour, day or night.
Thismeans that this bank is rendering24-hour banking service.NEWTON NATIONAL BANKA Friendly Independent Bank for All the Newtons3S4 CENTRE STREET-NEWTON CORNERR for prompt servicej V, CALL R DELL’S PHARMACYXeic Management., Prescription SpecialistsTelephone Prescriptions Called for and DeliveredN. 1964 303 WASHINGTON ST.— Open -7:30 a m.