This feature analyzes a WAV, WMA, MP3, WMV, or CDA audio file and imports it to Band-in-a-Box. The Audio Chord Wizard works out the tempo, bar lines, and chord changes so you can easily make your.
No Sound / MIDI Driver Setupto read tutorial that explains what to do if you have no sound in Band-in-a-Box ®. What is MIDI?MIDI is an acronym for Musical Instrument Digital Interface. The MIDI specification is maintained by the. We have written a couple of short starter tutorials on MIDI:.There are many other MIDI tutorials on the internet, which you can find using any internet search engine.
Can I use multiple MIDI output devices at the same time?This involves sending specific MIDI channels to specific MIDI ports. If you have Windows 95 or 98 you can use the MIDI Mapper, and there is a tutorial in our archives explaining how to use it:.Microsoft removed much of the functionality of the MIDI Mapper in later versions of Windows, and Band-in-a-Box ® itself cannot output to more than one port at a time.The best solution is to save your song and open it into RealBand. With RealBand, you can assign each track to a different synth.Another option is to save your song as a MIDI file and play it with PowerTracks Pro Audio (or another MIDI sequencer), which allows you to assign each track to a different MIDI port. Why do I get a font error when I try to view or print notation?Follow the instructions below if you get one of the following error messages when you try to open the notation or lead sheet window:. 'PGMusic Font is not installed. Make sure PGMUS.TTF is in your Windows System directory.' .
'PGJazz Font is not installed. Make sure PGJazz.TTF is in your Windows System directory.' You should be able to resolve the problem by simply reinstalling the program, especially if you have a fairly recent version of Band-in-a-Box ® (e.g.
Vray for sketchup pro 2015. 2006 or higher). One possible cause of the problem is if you are running Band-in-a-Box ® directly from a PG Music USB hard drive version of Band-in-a-Box ®, and you didn't run the Band-in-a-Box ® Setup file (which installs the fonts). Another possibility is that you copied the Band-in-a-Box ® program folder to a new computer without installing the program.If you have an older system or older version of Band-in-a-Box ® (e.g.
12 or earlier) and you are still having difficulty, the following information should help:If you have a 64-bit version of WindowsDownload and install the. You should restart your computer before and after installing the update to ensure that it works properly.If you are running Band-in-a-Box ® 12 or earlier on Windows 2000 or XP:. Download and install the latest update patch for your version of Band-in-a-Box ®. Download and install the. Important: You need to restart your computer before and after installing the font update, or else it will not work properly.If you have Windows 95/98/ME, or you have Windows 2000/XP but the suggestions above did not fix problem:. The fonts may not be installed on your computer at all. This may be the case if Band-in-a-Box ® was copied/moved from one machine to another, you installed an upgrade without installing the previous full version, or system security software running on your computer (such as an anti-virus or firewall program) prevented the fonts from being installed properly.
The solution is to reinstall Band-in-a-Box ® from the original CD(s). If you suspect that the issue may have been caused by an anti-virus or firewall program, disable these programs while reinstalling. It isn't necessary to uninstall/remove Band-in-a-Box ® first; simply install into your existing Band-in-a-Box ® folder.
You need to start with a full 'Pro' version or 'MegaPAK', then install subsequent regular upgrades. After you have done that, you should install the latest update patch available for your version. If you have a 64-bit version of Windows, or you are using Version 12 or earlier on Windows 2000/XP, you may need to install the font update. Windows 95, 98, and ME users: There is a limit to the number of True Type font files that Windows can support. The limit is somwhere around 700 on these operating systems, but can be more or less depending on how many characters there are in the font filenames. Go to the Windows/Fonts folder and at the bottom left hand corner there will be a list of the number of items in this folder.
If it is near the limit, you may have to remove some of the fonts. You should not remove standard fonts installed by Windows, and it would be a good idea to make backups of the fonts before proceeding with this.
The extra fonts would have come from some other program that you installed on your computer.If you have followed the instructions above and are still getting a font error (this would be an unusual situation):. Reboot your computer.
Locate and delete all of the PG.ttf and PG.fot files in the WindowsSystem, and WindowsSystem32 folders (WINNTSystem and WINNTSystem32 on Windows 2000NT). Reinstall Band-in-a-Box ®, starting with a full 'Pro' version or 'MegaPAK'. Download the latest update patch for your version.
Install the font update, if necessary.5. How do I enter notation in Band-in-a-Box ®?Band-in-a-Box ®, RealBand, and PowerTracks Pro Audio offer one of the quickest methods of notation input. Remember though, they were never developed to be a dedicated notation software package, so some of the problems you may run into will have to do with that limitation. For typical leadsheets though, this notation is more than adequate.First, you need to be in editable notation mode. Open the Notation Window and look in the Notation Window toolbar.
To the right of the Print button there are three Notation Mode buttons. Pressing the one in the middle will toggle you into editable notation mode.When inputting notation, all you do is place your mouse arrow where you want a note and press the left mouse button.
This will place a dotted whole note at that position. If it is in the second half of the bar, you will get an automatic 1/2 note rest in the first half. You will still get a dotted whole note in the second half of the bar. Don't worry if the first note you enter isn't the type of note you want it to be. The next note you place will determine the value of the first. Remember that the subsequent note placed always determines the value of the previous note.
If you want to shorten a previous note, you can select the rest box and place a rest between the notes at the value you want the previous note to be. Notes inserted between other notes will automatically set the value for the previous note as well.If you are in 'Staff roll' mode, you can change the duration of a note by clicking on it with the right mouse button and then dragging the cursor to the desired end location. Click the Staff Roll mode button to toggle into staff roll mode. This button is directly to the right of the Editable Notation button.While inserting a note on the staff, holding down the Shift key will make the note 1 half-step sharper. Holding down the Ctrl key will make the note 1 half-step flatter.
Holding down the Alt key forces the note to be a natural. To delete a note from the Notation, hold down the delete key and left-mouse click on the note.
Or you could right mouse click on the note (to edit it), then press the Delete button.You can change the beat resolution (the number of intervals in one beat) by right-clicking in the time indicator bar above the beat that you want to change. This will allow you to enter triplets in an even feel style, or sixteenth notes in a triplet feel style. The time indicator bar is the narrow space containing the black cursor that moves across the screen as your song is playing.Note: The only tracks that are completely editable by the user are the Melody and Soloist tracks. You can input any notation that you want on either of these tracks. The other tracks (Bass, Drums, Piano, Guitar, Strings) are used by Band-in-a-Box ® to generate its arrangements. Each time you press Play, Band-in-a-Box ® will generate a slightly different arrangement on these tracks (to simulate live playing) so that if you make any changes on these tracks, your edits will be lost. If you would like to edit these tracks, you need to copy them to the Melody or Soloist track (Edit Copy/Move Tracks) or save your song as a MIDI file and do the editing in a MIDI sequencer such as PowerTracks Pro Audio.Band-in-a-Box ® 2005 and higher also include a 'Piano Roll Window.'
This window allows you to edit notation in the Melody or Soloist tracks using a window similar in style to the type found in many sequencer programs. It enables precise graphic editing of note timing and duration, and you can also graphically edit Note Velocity, Controllers, Program Changes, Channel Aftertouch, or Pitch Bend. To open the Piano Roll Window, click on the piano roll icon in the toolbar, or go to Window Piano roll window. Click on the Help button on the right-hand side of the Piano Roll window for a complete tutorial. How do I uninstall Band-in-a-Box ®?The best way to uninstall Band-in-a-Box ® is to go to the Start menu Programs Band-in-a-Box ® Uninstall Band-in-a-Box ®. To remove the rest of the Band-in-a-Box ® files, you can delete the Band-in-a-Box ® folder (usually C:BB).
Make sure to make backups of any personal files you have saved in that folder. Note that the Band-in-a-Box ® uninstaller only removes files that the installer created in the first place.
It doesn't remove files that you have created, or configuration files (such as intrface.bbw) created by the Band-in-a-Box ® program. This prevents you from accidentally losing all of your songs when you uninstall the program.If you have installed RealTracks files separately, those won't be uninstalled by that process. You could run their individual uninstallers (Start Programs Band-in-a-Box ® RealTracks.), or you could simply delete the RealTracks folder. It is safe to simply delete the RealTracks, Drums, and/or bb folders from your hard drive without running the uninstaller, since Band-in-a-Box ® is completely self-contained within it's own folder and doesn't require the registry or other files on your computer.The only components of the program that SHOULD be uninstalled via the Add/Remove Programs utility in Windows, are the PG Music DirectX Plugins, and the Virtual Sound Canvas software synth.
How do I connect my computer to an external MIDI synthesizer?There are a few different ways you can connect your external MIDI synth or module. These days, USB is by far the most common method used.USB: There are many MIDI interfaces available that connect to this port on your computer. MIDI In and Out cables connect from the interface to your synth, and you may have to purchase the cables separately.Sound card (Joystick port): The joystick port (game port) on your sound card has a built-in MIDI interface. The cable that connects to the joystick port is commonly called a Universal MIDI Sound Card Connector. Some sound cards have MIDI in and out ports so you don't need to use the joystick port.
In either case, MIDI cables connect to your synth's MIDI In and Out.MPU-401 or other internal MIDI Interface: An interface (computer card) with MIDI In(s) and MIDI Out(s). This is a small interface card that plugs into a slot inside your computer. MIDI cables are still required to connect to your external module.Serial or Printer: There are various MIDI interfaces that can connect from these types of existing computer data ports, although the USB port is used much more frequently these days.Some MIDI interfaces and cables can be purchased directly from PG Music Inc.:. How do I use SoundFonts on my SoundBlaster sound card?We've written an article on the subject.
Note that this article would only be directly applicable to older systems, but the concepts are similar for newer sound cards. For more details. No drivers are listed in the MIDI Driver Setup dialog.If you won't be recording MIDI or playing live from an external MIDI synth it is ok if you don't have a MIDI Input driver. It just means that a MIDI input device is currently not installed on your computer, which is quite common.If you don't have any output drivers listed there, or you don't see a driver that you suspect should be there (input or output), close Band-in-a-Box ® and try deleting a file called 'intrface.bbw' from the Band-in-a-Box ® folder (usually C:bb). This will restore the program's factory settings. When you next launch Band-in-a-Box ®, the MIDI Driver Setup dialog should come up automatically.
If there are still no drivers there, this means that for whatever reason, the driver isn't installed on your computer. (On Windows XP and earlier operating systems, you can verify this by checking the Windows Control Panel. On Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000, go to Start Settings Control Panel Multimedia -or- Sounds and Multimedia MIDI. On Windows XP, go to Start Control Panel Sounds and Audio Devices Audio, and look under MIDI Playback).You will likely need to re-install your sound card or MIDI interface drivers. You can usually download the latest drivers from the manufacturer's website.Note that MIDI Output Drivers are different from DXi and VSTi synths. DXi and VSTi synths do not show up as MIDI Output drivers. For example, the VSC-DXi will not show up as an 'output driver'.
To use a DXi/VSTi synth, click the 'Use DXi Synth' checkbox and select it in the DirectX Plugins window. How do I create a shortcut on my desktop to open Band-in-a-Box ®?The Band-in-a-Box ® installer will create a desktop shortcut for you, if you select that option when you install the program.Alternatively, locate and open the Band-in-a-Box ® folder on your hard drive, usually c:bb. Find the file BBW.EXE. Right-click on this file and select Send To Desktop (Create Shortcut). You will now have a shortcut icon on your desktop to launch Band-in-a-Box ®. You can name the shortcut whatever you want by clicking once on the icon and pressing F2 on your keyboard.
How do I control what I record and what I listen to?Windows Vista, 7, and higher operating systemsThis is controlled by the Windows Volume Mixer, and the Sound settings in the Windows control panel.Single left-click on the speaker icon in your task bar to change the overall volume level on your PC or mute/un-mute the sound. Click the Mixer button below the volume fader (or right-click on the speaker icon and select Volume Mixer) to change the volume of specific devices or applications that are running on your computer.To check additional playback settings or to configure your record settings, use the 'Sound' settings - accessed from the Control Panel or by right-clicking on the speaker icon and selecting 'Recording Devices' (this opens the Sound window showing the Recording tab).In the Recording tab, make sure that the device you want to use is not disabled.
If it is, right-click on it and select 'enable'. Set your recording level by right-clicking on the device and selecting Properties - then select the Levels tab.Windows XP and earlier operating systemsThis is controlled by the Windows sound card mixer - the Record Control and Play (or 'Volume') Control panels.To open the Play Control, double-click on the speaker icon in your taskbar, usually at the bottom of your computer screen in the right-hand corner, or go to Start Programs Accessories Entertainment Volume Control. The Play Control is for OUTPUT; it allows you to choose what outputs you listen to and how loud they are.To open the Record Control window, click on Options Properties to open the Properties window, select the 'Recording' radio button, and press OK. The Record Control window is for INPUT; it allows you to choose what you record.
For example, if you were recording audio using the line-in on your sound card, you would select 'line-in' as your recording input.In the Properties window, you can choose which audio device you wish to control (the 'Mixer device'). Normally you don't need to change this. You can also select which volume controls you want displayed in the Record/Play Control panels.You can also open the Windows sound card mixer directly from Band-in-a-Box ®.
One way of opening it from Band-in-a-Box ® is to click on the Set Recording Levels button in the Record Audio dialog. Another is to go to the Audio menu and select Playback Mixer or Recording Mixer.Another way that you control audio recording and playback is by choosing your audio input and output drivers. If you only have one sound card you don't normally need to worry about this.
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PG Music PowerTracks Pro Audio 2017 Build 3 + Portable 60.3 / 63.5 MbInformation:PowerTracks Pro Audio is a full-featured, multi-track music sequencing and digital audio recording program.