Buku Tata Bahasa Indonesia Pdf Printer

Buku Tata Bahasa Indonesia Pdf Printer

This Wikibook begins with an introduction to the language and a series of lessons.

You may also wish to browse further down this contents page for other useful pages, including Kosa kata (vocabulary), Alat-alat untuk pelajaran (Tools for learning) and other resources. Fifa 18 torrent for mac.

Perkenalan (Introduction)[edit]

  1. IsiContents
  2. Halaman DepanFrontpage
  3. Mengapa belajar bahasa IndonesiaWhy learn Indonesian
  4. Bagaimana cara memakai buku Wiki Indonesia iniHow to use this Indonesian Wikibook

Pelajaran (Lessons)[edit]

Buku ini sangat membantu bagi guru, mahasiswa, dan dosen jurusan bahasa Indonesia sebagai buku penunjang karena KBBI tidak memuat tentang tata bahasa maupun pembentukan istilah. Seorang guru/dosen bahasa wajib memiliki buku Tata Bahasa Praktis Bahasa Indonesia sebagai pendamping KBBI dalam mengajar di ruang kelas atau kampus. Selamat Datang di BukuManual.com, situs direktori/koleksi buku panduan/buku manual produk rumah tangga, komputer, elektronik, otomotif, dll.

Dasar (Basic)[edit]

This section describes the basics of the Indonesian language. Mostly it discusses the most basic structure of the language. What you'll learn here will be clarified further in the later sections.

  1. Huruf-HurufIndonesian Alphabet
  2. SapaanGreetings
  3. Ini, ItuThis, That
  4. Kata GantiPronouns
  5. Kalimat SederhanaSimple Sentences
  6. Angka-AngkaNumbers
  7. Kata DepanPrepositions

Pemula (Beginner)[edit]

This section will expand your vocabulary and grammar building on the sentence structures explained in the basic lessons.

  1. Memperkenalkan DiriIntroducing Yourself
  2. KeluargakuMy Family
  3. RumahkuMy Home
  4. Di SekolahAt School
  5. Jam Berapa Sekarang?What Time is it?
  6. Ke PasarTo the Market
  7. PelangiRainbow
  8. Selamat Ulang TahunHappy Birthday!
  9. SakitGetting Sick
  10. Pergi ke BaliGoing to Bali
  11. Mau ke mana?Where are you going?

Ahli (Expert)[edit]

Learn some cultural background of the Indonesian language and further improve your vocabulary using the grammar you've learned so far.

  1. Aku dan kamuMe and you
  2. Bahasa OkeSlang language

Alat-alat pembelajaran (Tools for learning)[edit]

  • Menambah kosa kata dengan asosiasi kataAdding vocabulary with word association - this page may be useful from beginners to advanced stages.
  • Lagu anak-anakChildren's songs can help with learning basic language.
  • Perkecualian dalam pengucapanExceptions to pronunciation rules
Buku Tata Bahasa Indonesia Pdf Printer

Hal-hal menarik (interesting stuff)[edit]

  • English word rooted from Indonesian:
    • Durian = Duri (thorn)+ an (grammar) = Object with thorn
    • Orangutan = Orang Hutan = Forest person
    • Lahar = debris flow of pyroclastic material
    • Rattan = rotan
    • Amok = amuk

Latihan (Exercises)[edit]

Under construction

Tata Bahasa (Grammar)[edit]

  1. Kata SifatAdjectives
  2. Kata KerjaVerbs
  3. Kata KeteranganAdverb
  4. Kata BendaNoun
  5. Kata GantiPronouns
  6. Kata DepanPrepositions
  7. Kata Pengubah WaktuTenses
  8. Konjugasi / Pembentukan kataConjugation / Word forming
  9. Kata JenderGender
  10. Kata NegasiNegation
  11. KalimatSentences
  12. Pengubah waktuTenses

Kosa Kata (Vocabulary)[edit]

  • Kata-kata PentingImportant Phrases
  • AngkaNumbers
  • Kata PembilangQuantification Words (e.g. many, few)
  • Kata TanyaQuestion Words (e.g. what, where)
  • Kata PenghubungConjunctions (e.g. and, but)

Lihat Juga (See Also)[edit]

  • Indonesian Reader - another Wikibook for learning Indonesian, focusing on the vocabulary, and exposure to usage. Incomplete.
  • BukuWiki - WikiBooks in Indonesian language (monolingual)

Pranala Luar (External links)[edit]

Kamus (Dictionary)[edit]

Online dictionary links:

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  1. www.kamus.net - A user-friendly bilingual translation database which is still maturing itself and continuously adding new entries
  2. www.sederet.com - A Large English-Indonesian Online Dictionary
  3. Kamus Malesbanget - Indonesian's Slang Online Dictionary
  4. Kamus Indonesia -English - UGM University

Online translation links:

  1. toggletext.com Webpage & text (up to 300 words free translation)

Situs-situs untuk belajar bahasa Indonesia (Sites for learning Indonesian)[edit]

  • (NEW) Online Indonesian Courses from University of Hawaii (with downloadable materials)
  • Learn Indonesian Online - A collection of free audio dialogues and transcripts for beginners to advanced.
  • Bintang Bahasa - An extensive collection of audio samples, lessons and exercises for beginners to advanced advanced learners.
  • Learning Indonesian Podcast - A free audio lesson podcast with native Indonesian and English speaking instructors updated twice a week.
  • SEAsite – Indonesia home – from the Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Northern Illinois University.
  • Other Indonesian Language Resources - some links may be useful.
  • Hangman Indonesia - Indonesian-themed online word game for more advanced enthusiasts of Indonesian language and culture.
  • Learn Indonesian at Free Language - Free resources for learning Bahasa Indonesia.
  • The Straight Dope on Bahasa Indonesia - a series of language guides available to those interested in modern, particularly colloquial, Indonesian.

Tentang Buku Ini (About this Book)[edit]

  1. PengarangAuthors
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